【学术交流】土耳其中心留学生Hasan Aydın参加“中非关系”国际研讨会

创建时间:  2023-04-18     浏览次数:


Turkish PhD Student Hasan Aydın Attended International Symposium at Lingnan University

Hasan Aydın, a Turkish PhD Student of the Department of Global Studies at Shanghai University, attended the international symposium called "Africa-China Relations in an Era of Uncertain Future" held at Lingnan University in Hong Kong. Aydın, who attended the symposium organized between 13-14 April via video conference, presented an academic paper titled "Rising of Non-Continental Actors in Africa: China's and Turkey's Approaches to the Continent". In his presentation, Aydın defended that "Ankara and Beijing governments have increased their influence in Africa significantly in the 21st century". From this point of view, he emphasized the main similarities and differences in the Africa policies of China and Turkey. During his presentation, Aydın basically stated that China and Turkey take different approaches in Africa than the traditional-Western actors, and therefore these two countries have become important partners for the continental countries.




下一条:【期刊论文】土耳其中心主任郭长刚与中心客座研究员Nurettin Akcay在土耳其知名杂志Insight Turkey上合作发表文章

【学术交流】土耳其中心留学生Hasan Aydın参加“中非关系”国际研讨会

创建时间:  2023-04-18     浏览次数:


Turkish PhD Student Hasan Aydın Attended International Symposium at Lingnan University

Hasan Aydın, a Turkish PhD Student of the Department of Global Studies at Shanghai University, attended the international symposium called "Africa-China Relations in an Era of Uncertain Future" held at Lingnan University in Hong Kong. Aydın, who attended the symposium organized between 13-14 April via video conference, presented an academic paper titled "Rising of Non-Continental Actors in Africa: China's and Turkey's Approaches to the Continent". In his presentation, Aydın defended that "Ankara and Beijing governments have increased their influence in Africa significantly in the 21st century". From this point of view, he emphasized the main similarities and differences in the Africa policies of China and Turkey. During his presentation, Aydın basically stated that China and Turkey take different approaches in Africa than the traditional-Western actors, and therefore these two countries have become important partners for the continental countries.




下一条:【期刊论文】土耳其中心主任郭长刚与中心客座研究员Nurettin Akcay在土耳其知名杂志Insight Turkey上合作发表文章