江时学 || 美国的“重建美好世界”与中国的“一带一路”能否在拉美产生1+1大于2的效果?

创建时间:  2021-10-19     浏览次数:



【编者按】2021年6月,在英国康沃尔举行的七国集团(G7)峰会式上,美国提出的名为“重建美好世界”(Build Back Better World, B3W)被写入G7联合声明。美国的著名智库“美洲对话组织”在2021年10月15日出版的《拉丁美洲顾问》(LATIN AMERICA ADVISOR)邀请江时学等人回答了以下问题:B3W 在反击"一带一路"倡议时会有多大的成功?B3W 首先应该应寻求解决拉美的什么基础设施需求?B3W在拉丁美洲将面临哪些主要挑战?当投资者和东道国在决定某些具体项目时,政治考虑将如何发挥作用?









Jiang Shixue, professor and director of the Center for Latin American Studies at Shanghai University:

“China’s Belt-Road Initiative (BRI) is composed of the following five areas: policy coordination, infrastructure connection, trade facilitation, financial cooperation and people-to-people communication. Now the BRI has been extended to Latin America and the Caribbean. By now, only five countries (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia and the Bahamas), out of the 24 that have diplomatic ties with China, have not signed any official documents of cooperation within the BRI framework. But they can also participate in the Chinese initiative.

Infrastructure connection does not necessarily mean maritime shipping and/or air transportation across the Pacific Ocean. As a matter of fact, it is about improving infrastructure in Latin America. Therefore, theoretically speaking, synergy can be created between the BRI and B3W if the following conditions are met:

First, the United States should not see the BRI as a Chinese attempt to challenge the U.S. sphere of influence in Latin America. Rather, the United States needs to have a benign will to combine the B3W with the BRI so that one plus one can equal more than two.

Second, in the process of generating synergy from BRI and B3W, the United States should not have prejudice against Chinese state-owned enterprises’ investments. One shouldn’t care about the color of a cat if it can catch a rat.

Third, Latin American countries should not just sit down and wait for the meals to be served. They must play an active role by improving their investment environment.

The future of cooperation between BRI and B3W is bright, but the road ahead is bumpy.”

上一条:江时学 | 美国搅局无妨中拉合作推进

下一条:世界知识 | 在“后疫情”时期加强中国与发展中国家合作

江时学 || 美国的“重建美好世界”与中国的“一带一路”能否在拉美产生1+1大于2的效果?

创建时间:  2021-10-19     浏览次数:



【编者按】2021年6月,在英国康沃尔举行的七国集团(G7)峰会式上,美国提出的名为“重建美好世界”(Build Back Better World, B3W)被写入G7联合声明。美国的著名智库“美洲对话组织”在2021年10月15日出版的《拉丁美洲顾问》(LATIN AMERICA ADVISOR)邀请江时学等人回答了以下问题:B3W 在反击"一带一路"倡议时会有多大的成功?B3W 首先应该应寻求解决拉美的什么基础设施需求?B3W在拉丁美洲将面临哪些主要挑战?当投资者和东道国在决定某些具体项目时,政治考虑将如何发挥作用?









Jiang Shixue, professor and director of the Center for Latin American Studies at Shanghai University:

“China’s Belt-Road Initiative (BRI) is composed of the following five areas: policy coordination, infrastructure connection, trade facilitation, financial cooperation and people-to-people communication. Now the BRI has been extended to Latin America and the Caribbean. By now, only five countries (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia and the Bahamas), out of the 24 that have diplomatic ties with China, have not signed any official documents of cooperation within the BRI framework. But they can also participate in the Chinese initiative.

Infrastructure connection does not necessarily mean maritime shipping and/or air transportation across the Pacific Ocean. As a matter of fact, it is about improving infrastructure in Latin America. Therefore, theoretically speaking, synergy can be created between the BRI and B3W if the following conditions are met:

First, the United States should not see the BRI as a Chinese attempt to challenge the U.S. sphere of influence in Latin America. Rather, the United States needs to have a benign will to combine the B3W with the BRI so that one plus one can equal more than two.

Second, in the process of generating synergy from BRI and B3W, the United States should not have prejudice against Chinese state-owned enterprises’ investments. One shouldn’t care about the color of a cat if it can catch a rat.

Third, Latin American countries should not just sit down and wait for the meals to be served. They must play an active role by improving their investment environment.

The future of cooperation between BRI and B3W is bright, but the road ahead is bumpy.”

上一条:江时学 | 美国搅局无妨中拉合作推进

下一条:世界知识 | 在“后疫情”时期加强中国与发展中国家合作