
创建时间:  2021-12-22     浏览次数:

土耳其研究中心团队成员在《一带一路季刊》(Belt & Road Initiative Quarterly)中就中土关系发表多篇文章




①王三义:Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s Halkçılık and Devletçilik: A Comparison with Sun Yat-sen’s Political Thought,Belt & Road Initiative Quarterly, Vol. 3,Issue 1,pp.40-49;

②杨晨,解芳:The mutual construction of image of China and Turkey: Perceptions, problems, and policy proposals,Belt & Road Initiative Quarterly, Vol. 3,Issue 1, pp.20-25;

③Necatİ Demİrcan:Interactions Between Two Republics: The Republic of Turkey and the Republic of China,Belt & Road Initiative Quarterly, Vol. 3,Issue 1,pp.26-39;


④李宁:A Thousand Readers, A Thousand Hamlets: A Chinese Scholar’s Response to the Ten Hot Issues about the Belt & Road Initiative,Belt & Road Initiative Quarterly, Vol. 3,Issue 1,pp.86-89.


上一条:江时学 | “逆全球化”是伪命题

下一条:【期刊论文】夏婷婷与salvador Marinaro合写的文章发表于西班牙杂志《历史与社会沟通》(A&HCI)


创建时间:  2021-12-22     浏览次数:

土耳其研究中心团队成员在《一带一路季刊》(Belt & Road Initiative Quarterly)中就中土关系发表多篇文章




①王三义:Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s Halkçılık and Devletçilik: A Comparison with Sun Yat-sen’s Political Thought,Belt & Road Initiative Quarterly, Vol. 3,Issue 1,pp.40-49;

②杨晨,解芳:The mutual construction of image of China and Turkey: Perceptions, problems, and policy proposals,Belt & Road Initiative Quarterly, Vol. 3,Issue 1, pp.20-25;

③Necatİ Demİrcan:Interactions Between Two Republics: The Republic of Turkey and the Republic of China,Belt & Road Initiative Quarterly, Vol. 3,Issue 1,pp.26-39;


④李宁:A Thousand Readers, A Thousand Hamlets: A Chinese Scholar’s Response to the Ten Hot Issues about the Belt & Road Initiative,Belt & Road Initiative Quarterly, Vol. 3,Issue 1,pp.86-89.


上一条:江时学 | “逆全球化”是伪命题

下一条:【期刊论文】夏婷婷与salvador Marinaro合写的文章发表于西班牙杂志《历史与社会沟通》(A&HCI)